
The Hub
The Applied Science Hub, where Concordia's scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs innovate to accelerate next-generation research.

The Lab
Our lab, equipped with six spaceous 6-foot fumehoods and instrumentation listed below.

Student Offices
Student offices and amenities include a quiet space to work, with kitchenette including fridge, microwaves, coffee machine, etc.

Rigaku MiniFlex 6G
A multi-purpose benchtop powder X-ray diffractometer with 8-position autosampler and option to perform variable temperature PXRD to 450 °C.

Micromeritics Tristar II Plus
Two fully automated surface area and porosity analyzers that deliver rapid high throughput analysis with high accuracy.

Micromeritics Smart VacPrep
Two gas adsorption sample preparation devices. Advanced six-port system that utilizes vacuum to prepare samples by heating and evacuation.

Micromeritics 3Flex
High precision gas adsorption analyzer for surface area and porosity measurements with vapour sorption capabilities.

Micromeritics AccuPyc II 1345
Gas displacement pycnometry system for determining the true density of powders, solids, and slurries.

FTIR Spectrometer
ThermoFisher Nicolet iS50 FTIR Spectrometer equipped with a DRIFTS Accessory.

Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC 3+ with Sample Robot and Attachment for TGA-IR

Total Inorganic Carbon Analyzer
UIC CM245 Total Inorganic Carbon Analyzer with Sample Robot

Vacuum Desiccators
Two Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ Lab Companion Round Style Vacuum Desiccators

Critical Point Dryer
Samdri®-PVT-3D, a manual critical point dryer with advanced auto-pressure and temperature control.

Gravity Convection Ovens
Six 65-L VWR gravity convection ovens with a temperature range of 50-250°C.

Vacuum Oven
Fisherbrand™ Isotemp™ Model 281A Vacuum Oven

Temperature Programmable Oven
Carbolite PN 60 Natural Convection Oven with Touch Screen Controller

Two Eppendorf Microcentrifuges 5430

Compound Microscope
Laxco™ LMC-2000 Compound Microscope System with magnification of 4X, 10X, 40X, and 100X (oil).

Analytical Balances
Sartorius Entris and Quintix Analytical Balances

Schlenk Line
Access to Additional Instrumentation
Materials Characterization
Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD)
Access via McGill UniversityMicroscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Access via the Centre for NanoScience Research (CeNSR) at Concordia University(Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)
Access via the Centre for NanoScience Research (CeNSR) at Concordia UniversityAtomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Access via the Centre for NanoScience Research (CeNSR) at Concordia UniversityConfocal Microscopy
Access via the Centre for Microscopy and Cell Imaging (CMCI) at Concordia University and the Facility for Electron Microscopy Research at McGill UniversityFluorescence Microscopy
Access via the Centre for Microscopy and Cell Imaging (CMCI) at Concordia University and the Facility for Electron Microscopy Research at McGill University
Automatic Sputter Coater
Access via Concorida UniversitySpectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Access via Concorida UniversityInfrared Spectroscopy (IR)
Access via Concorida UniversitySpectrometry
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Access via the Centre for Biological Applications of Mass Spectrometry (CBAMS) at Concordia UniversityHigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS)
Access via the Centre for Biological Applications of Mass Spectrometry (CBAMS) at Concordia University