< !DOCTYPE html> News | The Howarth Lab News

May 2024

Congratulations to Clara Vieira Diniz for winning the prestigious FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship!

May 2024

Congratulations to Chris Copeman for winning the prestigious NSERC CGS D Scholarship!

April 2024

Congratulations to Ximena Canales Galvez for completing her MSc in Chemistry!

January 2024

Victor Quezada-Novoa wins the Award for Graduate Work in Inorganic Chemistry from the Canadian Society of Chemistry. This award goes to the top PhD candidate in inorganic chemistry in Canada! Victor will give an invited talk at the CSC 2024 in Winnipeg as part of the award. Congrats Victor!

December 2023

Victor Quezada-Novoa and Samantha Prelaz each win a Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry Teaching Assistant Award. Congrats Victor and Samantha!

December 2023

Victor Quezada-Novoa wins Honourable Mention in Concordia’s FAS Graduate Student Photo Contest. Congrats Victor!

November 2023

Samantha Prelaz receives her MSc degree at convocation. Congrats Samantha!

August 2023

Samantha Prelaz defends her MSc in chemistry – Congratulations Samantha!

August 2023

Chris Copeman wins first place for his oral presentation at the CSC in Vancouver!

June 2023

Victor Quezada-Novoa wins a prize for best oral presentation at the 3rd International School on Porous Materials in Lake Como, Italy.

June 2023

Samantha Prelaz receives Honorable Mention for her scientific art in the ChemiSTEAM competition run by the Canadian Society for Chemistry!

April 2023

Paola Marino’s artwork is featured on the 2023 cover of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry! Congratulations Paola!

April 2023

Congratulations to Lavinia Trifoi for winning the prestigious NSERC CGS D Scholarship!

April 2023

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning the prestigious FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship!

January 2023

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for receiving a Mitacs Globalink Research Award to spend 4 months in the Dinnebier group at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart!

December 2022

Paola Marino’s Metal-Organic Framework Galaxy artwork is featured on the Concordia President’s Holiday Card!

December 2022

Congratulations to Amna Muhammad and Lars Miller for completing their MSc thesis and defense!

November 2022

Congratulations to Amna Muhammad for winning a poster prize at the 25th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference!

November 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning an oral presentation prize at the 25th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference!

November 2022

Congratulations to Chris Copeman for winning a poster prize at the 25th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference!

November 2022

Congratulations to Ximena Canales Galvez for winning a poster prize at the 25th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference!

October 2022

Our new Rigaku MiniFlex PXRD is installed.

August 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning the 3rd place oral presentation prize at SACIQ 2022 in Trois-Rivieres

August 2022

Samanta Prelaz does it again! Congratulations to Samantha for winning the 1st place oral presentation prize at SACIQ 2022 in Trois-Rivieres

July 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning a poster presentation prize at the ISPPCC 2022 in Vancouver!

June 2022

Congratulations to Samantha Prelaz for winning an oral presentation prize in the MOF symposium at the CCCE 2022 in Calgary!

June 2022

Paola Marino receives her MSc degree at convocation! Congrats Paola!

April 2022

Congratulations to Samantha Prelaz for winning a Sustainability Research Award (with Victoria Lapointe in the Majewski lab) from the Sustainability Action Fund at Concordia!

April 2022

Congratulations to Amna Muhammad, Lars Miller, Chris Copeman, and Zoey Davis for winning a Sustainability Research Award from the Sustainability Action Fund at Concordia!

March 2022

Congratulations to Hudson Bicalho for receiving a Mitacs Globalink Research Award to spend 3 months in Dresden with Prof. Stefan Kaskel's research group!

March 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning the People's Choice Award in Concordia's 3 Minute Thesis Competition!

February 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for winning 1st place in the CQMF Science Writing Competition (English). You can read Victor's blog post here.

January 2022

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for being selected to give an invited talk in the Emerging Materials Investigator Symposium at the CCCE in Calgary in June 2022! Learn more about the conference program and symposium here.

December 2021

Congratulations to Paola Marino for successfully defending her MSc thesis on the topic of sustainable synthesis of MOFs for ophthalmic drug delivery! After an excellent thesis and defense, Paola becomes the fourth MSc student to graduate from the Howarth group!

December 2021

Congratulations to Zvart Ajoyan for successfully defending her MSc thesis, which includes excellent work on the photophysical properties of rare-earth MOFs! Zvart is the third MSc student to graduate from the Howarth group!

December 2021

Paola's paper is featured as a supplementary cover of the December 6th issue of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering! Thanks to Karyna Cuffaro for the amazing artwork.

November 2021

Sabine is awarded a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to carry out graduate studies at Oxford. Click here to read the article by Concordia's School of Graduate Studies.

November 2021

Paola wins the People's Choice Award in the NSERC Science Exposed contest for her image titled Metal-Organic Illumination. Click here to read the Concordia News article.

November 2021

Victor's research on the detoxification of a sulfur mustard simulant is featured in the Concordia News! Click here to read the article.

October 2021

Zvart Ajoyan gives a fantastic Chem 666 Departmental MSc Seminar. Congratulations Zvart!

September 2021

Paola is featured in Concordia News for all of her successes in linking scientific research to art. Read the article here.

August 2021

Hudson's research is featured on the cover of Inorganic Chemistry! Thank you to Lorrayne Bicalho for creating the awesome artwork.

August 2021

Paola gives an amazing Chem 666 Departmental MSc Seminar. Congratulations Paola!

August 2021

Check out the Q&A with MSc student, Paola Marino, about her Visualizing Science Contest image that was featured on the cover of CanJChem. Click here.

August 2021

Zvart receives Honourable Mention in the 2021 ChemiSTEAM competition from the Chemical Institute of Canada. Check out Zvart's blog post and view the image here. Congrats Zvart!

August 2021

Victor receives Honourable Mention in the 2021 ChemiSTEAM competition from the Chemical Institute of Canada. Check out Victor's blog post and view the image here. Congrats Victor!

June 2021

Hudson Bicalho

Congratulations to Hudson Bicalho for passing his Research Proposal and Comprehensive Exam! Hudson is the second official PhD candidate in the Howarth group.

June 2021

Pedro Donnarumma

Pedro Donnarumma becomes the second MSc student to defend in the Howarth group! Congratulations to Pedro for an excellent thesis and top-notch defense.

June 2021

Pedro's research is featured on the cover of Chem Comm! Thank you to Karyna Cuffaro for the amazing artwork.

June 2021

Chen Si

Chen Si joins the group from South China University of Technology as a Mitacs Globalink Research Intern!

May 2021

Hudson Bicalho

Hudson Bicalho received the prestigious FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship to support his doctoral work on the degradation of pollutants using metal-organic frameworks!

April 2021

Gemini Ramasamy

Congrats to Gemini Ramasamy for winning a Sustainability Research Award from the Sustainability Action Fund at Concordia!

April 2021

Paola Marino MOF

Paola Marino's image has made it to the final in the NSERC Science Exposed Contest! Vote for Paola's image to win the People's Choice Award here.

April 2021

Pedro Donnarumma

Pedro Donnarumma gives an outstanding Chem 666 Departmental MSc Seminar. Great job Pedro!

April 2021

Victor Quezada-Novoa

Congratulations to Victor Quezada-Novoa for passing his Research Proposal and Comprehensive Exam! Victor is now officially the first PhD Candidate in the Howarth lab.

February 2021

Paola Marino Rose

Paola Marino received Honourable Mention in the 2020 ChemiSTEAM contest. Check out Paola's blog post and view the image here. Congrats Paola!

February 2021

Pedro Donnarumma wins the Concordia Science Captured Award for capturing a show-stopping optical microscopy image of his new RE-MOF.

January 2021

Paola Marino Canadian Journal Chemistry

Congratulations to Paola Marino for having her image titled “Metal-Organic Galaxy” featured on the 2021 cover of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry! Check it out here.

November 2020

Congratulations to Felix Saraci, and Hudson Bicalho for winning oral presentation prizes at the 23rd Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference!

November 2020

felix saraci

Congratulations to Felix Saraci for giving an excellent Chem 666 MSc Departmental Seminar. As the first Howarth group student to give a departmental seminar, you made us proud!

November 2020


Congratulations to Pedro Donnarumma for winning 1st place for his oral presentation at the CQMF 4th Annual Conference on Advanced Materials. Thanks to Systems for Research for sponsoring this prize!

October 2020

ashlee howarth

Prof Howarth was featured in ChemViews Magazine, check out the article here.

August 2020

howarth lab

We have now moved into brand new lab space in the new Applied Science Hub at Concordia!

May 2020

Victor Quezada

Congratulations to Victor Quezada for winning a $500 ATS/Micromeritics Graduate Travel Poster Prize at CEMWOQ-6.5 for his outstanding virtual poster presentation.

May 2020


Congratulations to Pedro Donnarumma for being accepted to the ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry & Sustainable Energy. Although the school will not run in July 2020, Pedro plans to travel to Golden, Colorado in 2021 to attend!

April 2020

Paola Marino

Congratulations to Paola Marino for winning a Sustainability Research Award from the Sustainability Action Fund at Concordia University! Paola won this award for her work on using greener alternatives for synthesizing MOFs.

February 2020

Hudson Bicalho

The MOFs win the 23rd Annual Chemistry & Biochemistry Curling fling!

January 2020

Victor Quezada

Victor Quezada wins the Concordia Science Captured Award for capturing a beautiful SEM image of his new MOF CU-10.

October 2019

Felix Saraci

Congratulations to Felix Saraci for winning the 2019 Kanfi-Holzbaur Award in Green Chemistry which he will use to attend the CCCE 2020 in Winnipeg, MB.

October 2019

Ashlee J Howarth

Prof. Howarth wins the 2019 UBC Young Alumnus Award – an award given to a young alumnus whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide inspiration and leadership to students and other young alumni.

May 2019


Congratulations to Howarth group members Zvart Ajoyan, Chris Copeman, Pedro Donnarumma, Paola Marino, and Felix Saraci for winning poster prizes at CEMWOQ-6.